1 Students






Two ways to get into ICL

Application Process:
  • You are a student of the Department of Computer Science.
  • Check with the dean’s office for the enrollment opportunities.
  • Apply and qualify.
Master’s Program and Practical Training for KAI Students

All relevant information is posted on links

ICL has launched a Master’s Program Project in close cooperation with Ministry of
Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan State Technical
University n.a. Tupolev (KAI). In future, we also plan to establish cooperation with
Innopolis University. Our Master’s Program is primarily focused on practical training.
The students are taught and supervised by ICL employees. As a result, they receive
advanced comprehensive knowledge within the framework of the established curriculum as well as practical experience.

57% of 2015 graduates of our Master’s Program were hired by ICL.

An opportunity is available for senior students of KAI to do their internship and to
complete thesis research at ICL.
Application Process:
  • You are a student or an undergraduate.
  • Check ICL web site and social media for internship recruitment ads or find an Intern vacancy at hh.ru.
  • Apply.

All relevant information is posted on links

Senior students and undergraduates of the Departments of Computer Science are
eligible for our internship program. As a rule, interns are hired to fill in IT positions
including software developers, system administrators and testers. Sometimes
internships are offered to future lawyers, marketing and PR professionals. An internship
provides a great opportunity for prospective employees to gain experience in a
particular field including project management and acquire competence and skills
required and valued by potential employers.

Last year, 50% of interns were subsequently hired for full-time positions. The other
participants of internship program were given an official reference confirming their
experience and acquired competence and added a substantial line in their CV.
Application Process:
  • You are a student, an undergraduate or a young professional.
  • Check ICL web site or social media for Express School enrollment opportunities.
  • Apply.
Express School

All relevant information is posted on links

Express School offers short (2-4 weeks of evening classes) intensive IT courses in
testing, system administration, service desk operations, software management,
etc. ICL runs 5 to 10 intensive courses a year. The Express School students are trained for specific ICL projects that’s why the course curriculum is focused on practical training.

Those students who successfully pass the final test are offered a job. On average, 60% of Express School graduates are hired by ICL.
Application Process:
  • You are a student at the Higher Institute for Information Technology and Information Systems or the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies of Kazan Federal University.
  • Enroll in the lab course.
Kazan Federal University Lab

All relevant information is posted on links

In 2011, ICL opened a lab in the research centre of the Higher Institute for Information
Technology and Information Systems (ITIS), Kazan Federal University, to train students in applied IT disciplines that are currently in demand.
During 2 or 3 semesters, students master technologies applied in ICL, gain practical experience and work on their thesis which is based on live projects. The classes are held by ICL experts. In addition to the academic course, our experts contribute their knowledge of the current business challenges and implemented solutions. Last year, 18 of 30 Lab course graduates were hired by ICL.

meet in your university

ICL is a regular participant of career days, career fairs and graduation ceremonies held at the Departments of Computer Science of Kazan universities and at Innopolis University. We’ll be delighted to meet you and fill you in on all opportunities that will be available to you in ICL! At IT Tournaments, we find young talents and help them grow in IT field. Later, many tournament participants and winners start their professional career at ICL.

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