1 Manufacturing cluster





Manufacturing cluster

A cluster focused on producing and selling hardware of own production on the basis of ICL Techno.

ICL Techno is a Russian hardware manufacturer, part of the ICL group of companies.

The company is in the top 3 companies producing computer equipment in Russia (according to Expert RA). The company's production capacity is up to 300 000 products per year. ICL Techno provides 100% service support and warranty service throughout the Russian Federation.

23 types of products are included in the register of domestic equipment of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Types of equipment produced: laptops, tablets, monoblocks, servers, thin clients, personal computers, payment stations, information kiosks, self-service terminals.

Extensive experience in the supply of ICL computer equipment throughout Russia, participation in targeted federal programs, own certified production and deep competencies in system integration allow the company to develop and implement modern and high-tech IT solutions for various industries.
All solutions are built with regard to the specifics of each industry, as well as the requirements of federal laws, FSESs, regulatory documents, and the certification system for information security requirements.
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