R&D and Innovation
Our company conducts the overall contours of research and development (R&D) work including:
- Research — Investigative activities to improve existing products and procedures;
- Technological development — Development of a sample of a new product, design documentation for it or a new technology.
Our Company preserves the culture of production and R&D execution shaped by the Kazan Computer Factory, the leader (60% of the market) of the IT industry of the USSR.
We have all the necessary provisions for work under the State Defense Order: licenses (FSTEK, FSS, and Ministry of Defense), first department, access permits for specialists, premises and development systems certified in accordance with information security requirements.
For a number of years running, the Company’s experts jointly with the primary developers of DMS have completed over 50 components of development projects for a variety of purposes, and over 20,000 units of computer equipment have been delivered to RF Armed Forces command posts.