Holidays All Year Round
Our main events are:
- The Company’s birthday is a great summer dress-down holiday. Theprogram includes entertainments (exotic ones, among other things, such
as a cryo show, and also Mafia game and other tabletop and active
games, etc.), dances to live music, fireworks and a birthday cake. Not
only professional artists, but talented employees as well perform before
an audience consisting of 500-800 colleagues.
- Awarding of employees according to the results of the year — a highprofile
ceremony, an Oscar of our own, held in the depths of winter. The
most effective employees bask in glory and get rewards and their
colleagues rejoice for them and celebrate. A stand-up party and live
music, not to mention the after-party, drive out winter’s chill.
ICL business units hold their own corporate parties celebrating New Year and the business units’
birthdays. You can also take part in family holidays, bike rides, picnics, and even Halloween. And if
you have kids, Father Frost will congratulate them with the New Year and invite them to the
children’s New Year’s Party organized by the Company