CYMCAP, Cable Ampacity Calculations
This software was developed jointly by Ontario Hydro (Hydro One), McMaster University and CYME International, under the auspices of the Canadian Electricity Association.
CYMCAP is dedicated to performing ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations and can be used by companies specializing in upgrading power cable installations and designing new ones.
By using CYMCAP you can determine the maximum current power cables can sustain without deterioration of any of their electrical properties which is important for the design of electrical installations.
It addresses steady state and transient thermal cable rating as per the analytical techniques described by Neher-McGrath and the International Standards IEC 287© and IEC 853©.
CYMCAP Additional Modules:
- Installations (Multiple Duct Banks and Backfills, Cables in Tunnels, Cables in Troughs, Multiple Casings) and Analyses (Duct Bank Optimizer, Magnetic Fields, Cable Impedance Calculation, Short-Circuit Cable Rating, Circuits Crossing),
- Real Time Temperature Rating (CYMCAP/RTTR),
- Cable Historical Operating Temperature Estimator (CYMCAP/CHOTE).