1 Licensed Software





ICL Group favours the patented licensed technologies and software products. The use of licensed software is an integral part of smart operation of any enterprise. This results in significant reduction of technology breakdown both in information systems and personnel performance.

Distribution System Analysis CYMDIST

Reliable modeling, analytic and planning tools to improve the performance of the distribution system.

The following analyses are included in the CYMDIST package:

  • Unbalanced load flow
  • Load allocation and estimation
  • Fault analysis (Short-circuit/fault flow, Fault locator, Series and simultaneous fault, Voltage sag)
  • Load balancing
  • Optimal capacitor placement and sizing
  • Motor starting
  • Batch analysis

The CYME software comprises several add-on modules:


  • Enhanced Substation Modeling
  • Low Voltage Secondary Distribution
  • Secondary Grid Network Analysis
  • Geographic Overlay
  • Online Maps Service


  • Advanced Project Manager
  • Automated Network Forecast Analysis
  • Techno-Economic Analysis

Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

  • Integration Capacity Analysis
  • DER Impact Evaluation
  • Network Disturbance Assessment


  • Distribution State Estimator
  • Contingency Assessment and Restoration
  • Load Flow Contingency (N-p)
  • Advanced Fault Locator


  • Protective Device Analysis
  • Arc Flash Hazards Analysis
  • Distance Protection

Power Quality

  • Reliability Assessment
  • Harmonic Analysis


  • Volt/VAR Optimization
  • Optimal Voltage Regulator Placement
  • Optimal Recloser Placement
  • Network Configuration Optimization


  • Long-Term Dynamics
  • Steady-State Analysis with Load Profiles
  • Transient Stability Analysis


  • CYME Scripting Tool with Python®

CYME Power Engineering Applications for Transmission and Industrial Network/ System Analysis

CYME Power Engineering Applications for Transmission and Industrial Network/System Analysis:
  • Network Editor
  • Power Flow
  • Fault Analyses
  • Load Flow Contingency
  • Arc Flash Hazards Analysis
  • DC Arc Flash Hazards Analysis
  • Protective Device Coordination
  • Motor Starting
  • Harmonics
  • DC Load Flow and Short-Circuit Analyses
  • Transient Stability
  • Voltage Stability
  • Geographic Overlay
  • Advanced Project Manager
  • Enhanced Substation Modeling

CYMCAP, Cable Ampacity Calculations

This software was developed jointly by Ontario Hydro (Hydro One), McMaster University and CYME International, under the auspices of the Canadian Electricity Association.

CYMCAP is dedicated to performing ampacity and temperature rise calculations for power cable installations and can be used by companies specializing in upgrading power cable installations and designing new ones.

By using CYMCAP you can determine the maximum current power cables can sustain without deterioration of any of their electrical properties which is important for the design of electrical installations.

It addresses steady state and transient thermal cable rating as per the analytical techniques described by Neher-McGrath and the International Standards IEC 287© and IEC 853©.

CYMCAP Additional Modules:
  • Installations (Multiple Duct Banks and Backfills, Cables in Tunnels, Cables in Troughs, Multiple Casings) and Analyses (Duct Bank Optimizer, Magnetic Fields, Cable Impedance Calculation, Short-Circuit Cable Rating, Circuits Crossing),
  • Real Time Temperature Rating (CYMCAP/RTTR),
  • Cable Historical Operating Temperature Estimator (CYMCAP/CHOTE).

CYMTCC, Protective Device Coordination

Generates the time-current characteristic curves for the protective devices of a given feeder. The results can be visualized on-screen, plotted on standard log-log paper and/or routed to various printers.
The CYMTCC software package includes an Integrated Device Library Manager program updated regularly that contains more than 15000 devices including low voltage circuit breakers (electromechanical, solid state and moulded case), fuses, relays (electromechanical and electronic) and reclosers (hydraulic and electronic). The devices are categorized and stored by manufacturer name and device type for easy retrieval.

It also provides access to time-current characteristic curves and features several tools and reports to help you achieve coordination and protect transformers and cables.

The Arc Flash Hazards Analysis module can be added to the CYMTCC software to further complement the analyses.

CYMGRD, Substation Grounding Program for Grid Design and Analysis

It is specially developed to help engineers optimize the design of new grids and reinforce existing ones.

The use of the CYMGRD software allows for the rapid analysis of various design alternatives to choose an economical solution for any particular installation.

The program conforms to IEEE 80™ 2000, IEEE 81™ 1983 and IEEE 837™ 2002.

The CYMGRD/AutoCAD® Interface module allows the user to alternate between the AutoCAD® and the CYMGRD environments.

EMTP-RV, ElectroMagnetic Transient Program for Simulation and Analysis

Uses include switching and lightning surge analysis, insulation coordination, shaft torsional oscillations, ferro-resonance and power electronics applications (microgrids, HVDC, etc.) in power systems.

EMTP-RV is suited to a wide variety of power system studies, whether they relate to project design and engineering, or to solving problems and unexplained failures.

CYME Products Support

CYME Gateway is the solution for creation and maintenance of CYME Network Model.
It extracts all necessary information from your GIS and other enterprise systems to automatically generate up-to-date and accurate distribution network models, ready for planning and operational studies.

CYME for ArcGIS Desktop is the solution to embed power system analytics in your GIS environment.

CYME Server allows system operators to respond quickly and decisively to changing network conditions and threats while driving significant improvements in network efficiency and reliability.

CYMCAP/NET is Network-Wide Thermal Analysis.
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