Information security services
The range of services for information security from ICL includes such areas as network security, application protection, protection of users and user devices, data protection, access control, and protection of automated process control systems.
Services provided:
- the protection of personal data;
- the protection of data pertaining to production and technological processes;
- the protection of state information systems;
- the elaboration of the IS development concept and program;
- threat modeling and risk identification;
- the development of regulatory, organizational, and administrative documentation on IS;
- information protection systems design;
- requirements survey and formation;
- implementation of information protection tools and certification tests;
- the certification of information objects for compliance with the information protection requirements.
In addition, we can implement a set of measures for compliance with Federal Law 149, Federal Law 152, Federal Law 187, and Order of FSTEC of Russia dated February 11, 2013. N 17 (Protection of State Information Systems).
For more information visit our website.