ICL Among the Eight Best Information Security Companies
CNews Analytics published the rating of the leading Russian companies specializing in information
security. According to it, ICL, a Russian system integrator, is at the eighth position of the all-Russia
ranking table.
Traditionally, by the end of the year, CNews Analytics publishes at its site a review of the main trends
of the Russian information security market and a list of the 30 largest companies — solution
providers in the field of information security. According to the results of 2015, ICL ranks the eighth in
the all-Russia rating.
Statistics data given by CNews analysts in their rating show that the demand in information security
solutions has grown in spite of crisis phenomena in national economy. Indeed, in comparison with
the previous period, ICL managed to increase the total revenue from operations in this area of
activities by 28% and to move up from the tenth position of the ranking table to the eighth one. As far
as companies from Moscow occupy the first seven positions, the system integrator from Kazan has
again demonstrated the best results among companies located outside of the metropolitan region.
«The deeper information technologies penetrate in business processes, the more pressing the issues
of information security become for companies,» says Aidar Guzairov, Deputy General Director for
Business Development, ICL. «Although many experts have qualified 2015 as a crisis year, we have
not recorded any reduction of demand in information security products. Quite the opposite, we have
completed a whole range of comprehensive projects for the largest enterprises of oil and gas
industry, banking companies and government institutions.»
Besides, the Company is now actively working at the issues of industrial cybersecurity. Recall that
this spring a Competence Centre for delivery of comprehensive information security services for
Industrial Control Systems was opened in Innopolis.