1 ICL Demonstrates Innovative Solutions for Emergency Medical Care





ICL Demonstrates Innovative Solutions for Emergency Medical Care

16September 2021


ICL Demonstrates Innovative Solutions for Emergency Medical Care

In Kislovodsk, on September 9–10, ICL Group team together with JSC IskraUralTel took part in an exhibition within the 7th Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation of the South Region of Russia “Current Issues of Introduction of Innovative Technologies in the Practice of Emergency Care”.

At the Conference, experts presented the full-featured AMS Ambulance, developed by ICL Group, and System-112, developed by IskraUralTel, to the participants and to the professional medical community and demonstrated interoperability of services in incident management.

Today, AMS Ambulance is known as one of the most advanced automated systems successfully used by healthcare staff in many regions of the country.

Computer systems developed by ICL Group and multiservice telecommunication platform made by JSC IskraUralTel were also presented at the Conference.

The systems are continuously evolving. They comply with requirements of the Ministry of Health of the RF and are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases, and as for SI3000 hardware made by JSC IskraUralTel, it is listed on the Unified Register of Russian Radio-Electronic Products.

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