1 ICL Group Ranks Among 100 Largest IT Companies





ICL Group Ranks Among 100 Largest IT Companies

30May 2016


ICL Group Ranks Among 100 Largest IT Companies

TAdviser analytical centre published ranking of 100 Largest IT Companies operating in the Russian market. Despite tough economic environment, the majority of companies included in the ranking demonstrated revenue growth.

ICL Group ranks 30th on the list of 100 Largest IT Companies.

Total revenue of companies named on the list exceeded RUB 1,100 billion in 2015 compared to RUB 876 billion in 2014. The majority of the rated IT companies showed revenue growth at 2015 year-end. ICL Group achieved 6.7% year-over-year revenue growth.

All in all, results of this research showed that so far leading IT companies hold their ground in IT market. However, according to TAdviser, in years to come new players may take top spots in the rankings of the largest IT companies leaving present-day leaders behind.

For full version of 100 Largest IT Companies list, go to TAdviser.

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