1 ICL – KME CS to Change Its Legal Name





25August 2016


ICL – KME CS to Change Its Legal Name

On August 23, 2016, Open Joint Stock Company ICL — KME CS (OJSC ICL — KME CS) changed its legal name to Joint Stock Company ICL — KME CS (JSC ICL — KME CS) in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law of May 5, 2014 No. 99-FZ «On Amending Chapter 4 of Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and on Recognising Some Provisions of Russian Legislative Acts to be Void», company’s INN and OGRN registration numbers remain unchanged.

Pursuant to Part 7 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of May 5, 2014 No. 99-FZ, change of name of the legal entity with a view to bring it in line with norms stipulated in Article 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation requires no amendments to be made to documents of title and other documents containing its former legal name.

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