1 ICL Services Opens Its Location in Moscow





01June 2016


ICL Services Opens Its Location in Moscow

ICL Services had its representative office open in a ceremonial atmosphere in Moscow in May. Top management represented by Sergey Soloviev, Head of ICL Services, Ruslan Vagizov, Head of Operations, Gusel Krekhova, Head of Business Support, lead managers and all employees of the new office, attended the opening.

New business unit will expand operating opportunities for customers in the Central Region of Russia, increase potential possibilities of the company and provide high quality service support for customers both in Russia and abroad.

Key business areas to be covered by the Moscow office include customer services, engineering maintenance and technical support.

“We have already allocated testing lab and spare parts store zones in the Moscow office aimed to speed up customer response and problem solving by our engineers,” says Sergey Soloviev, Head of ICL Services. “Making the working environment comfortable and employees satisfied with the effective workplace climate will have a positive impact on the quality of our services ensuring the adequate customer experience.”

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