1 ICL Showcase Industry Cybersecurity Developments in Innopolis





ICL Showcase Industry Cybersecurity Developments in Innopolis

14October 2016


ICL Showcase Industry Cybersecurity Developments in Innopolis

The challenge of industrial cybersecurity is rising in global importance. Experts are increasingly voicing opinions on the importance of working together in this area within the framework of industry events. ICL presented its approach to information security at industrial facilities at the Conference devoted to cybersecurity of the industrial control systems (ICS) held in Innopolis.

The Conference devoted to ICS cybersecurity of the industrial control systems organized by Kaspersky Lab, completed its work in Innopolis. The event was held under the slogan «Time To Act Together».

The Conference was opened by the RT Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov. In his welcoming speech, he stressed the importance of such events since participation in them makes it possible to exchange experience with the best specialists in the field of ICS cybersecurity on the issues that are the most acute in this industry. «No real success is possible without the joint efforts of all countries, without the interaction of countries and major companies,» noted the Prime Minister.
ICL representatives took an active part in the Conference. Victor Vyacheslavov, Deputy Director of System Technologies at ICL shared his vision on industrial cybersecurity in Russia: «5 to 7 years ago, the prevailing view was that no additional protection was required since the industry control system was isolated. Specialized products that could take into account the specifics of the ICS operation were poor and not widely distributed at that time. Enterprises used the technologies of office and corporate security, first of all — standard firewalls to separate process and corporate networks, and antiviruses to protect operator workstations.»

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