1 ICL Techno Presents ICLMed Telemedical Complex at ITM2017 Congress





ICL Techno Presents ICLMed Telemedical Complex at ITM2017 Congress

30October 2017


ICL Techno Presents ICLMed Telemedical Complex at ITM2017 Congress

18th International Congress “Information Technologies in Medicine”, one of the main annual events in the territory of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, took place in Moscow on October 12-13, 2017. 1,167 delegates from 5 countries and 84 regions of the RF took part in the Congress. Traditionally, ICL Techno participated in the exhibition and presented solutions for healthcare based on ICL’s computer equipment.

This year ICL Techno’s exposition was the focus of attention at the Congress thanks to ICLMed telemedical complex for remote patient monitoring—a new Company’s development that is already successfully used in healthcare facilities of Russia.

The software part of the complex developed by the specialists of the company provides for integration with regional medical information systems. Using ICLMed telemedical complex, healthcare professionals including ambulance crew doctors can carry out efficient investigations outside medical facilities, under field conditions and in remote communities.

Representatives of federal and regional coordinators of healthcare information support, heads and experts of healthcare organizations responsible for implementation of information technologies in healthcare and social sphere, medical doctors, and representatives of Compulsory Health Insurance Funds took part in the Congress.

You can have a look at the Congress proceedings and its photo gallery at the Event website: itmcongress.ru/itm2017.

“ICLMed telemedical complex for remote patient monitoring developed by our company allows to provide better access to special medical services, early disease detection and virtual medical advice irrespective of the patient’s location,” says Albert Shagivaleev, Deputy Head of Sales and Marketing, ICL Techno. “Using ICLMed, medical doctors can collaborate to make a correct diagnosis and assign an effective treatment, while thousands of miles away from each other. Thus this solution has a great potential for implementation in rural and hard-to-reach areas.”

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