1 Protection of Critical Infrastructures





Protection of Critical Infrastructures

03April 2017


Protection of Critical Infrastructures

According to the study by Kaspersky Lab experts, more than a third of incidents related to industrial network failures are the result of cyberattacks. What technologies do experts recommend, why isolation of ICS systems is powerless against today’s threats? — These issues were discussed among others by the representatives of ICL — KME CS, Check Point, Kaspersky Lab, and InfoWatch.

A regular ITSF workshop organized with involvement of experts from ICL — KME CS, Check Point, Kaspersky Lab, and InfoWatch was held in Irkutsk. The Event was dedicated to protection of critical infrastructures and local area networks from cyberattacks.

Within the Event, the experts from Check Point presented a line of industrial solutions such as security gateways and special purpose products for ICS protection, including protection of SCADA systems and Industrial Control Systems. In particular, they spoke about Check Point 1200R. This high-strength device is distinguished for its environmental stability and does not fail even under extreme temperatures from −40°C to 75°C.

Speakers from Kaspersky Lab shared their experience in implementation of projects in industrial cybersecurity. Every minute of idle time at an enterprise turns into tangible financial losses. Therefore, uninterrupted operation of industrial enterprises is the top-priority objective set for specialists. This principle forms the basis of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity solution. Experts note that during 2016 the product was successfully implemented at industrial facilities of power industry, metal industry, petrochemistry, and oil refining. It was in January 2017 that the revised version of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity 2.0 came out. This version is notable for ease of configuration and broad support of industrial protocols used in power industry.

In the course of the workshop, experts from InfoWatch gave their point of view on information security of industrial facilities. They presented a comprehensive approach to building of a supporting system for ICS Information Security as well as solutions protecting a company from internal threats. InfoWatch Traffic Monitor, a system that makes it possible to detect confidential documents in the total data flow and protect them from activities of malicious insiders, was among them.

According to the Workshop experts, the joint work of the companies in the field of industrial cybersecurity will continue. Next time the experts will gather again to discuss topical issues of protection of industrial facilities within a topic-oriented panel discussion at ITSF 2017 that to be held in Kazan in May.

Registration is now open. You can submit an application at http://itsecurityforum.ru/.

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