The whole project was divided into several stages:
- Project development to implement Active Directory in AK BARS Bank’s head office.
The project for AK BARS Bank’s geographically distributed IT infrastructure as a whole
was designed by ICL with direct participation of the bank’s specialists at the first stage.
The principal ‘bank framework’ was taken as a basis for new directory service
generation, where most of users and resources were supposed to be located, both of the
head office and the bank’s branches.
- Active Directory service implementation in AK BARS Bank’s head office.
The test lab was set up using the bank’s hardware facilities at the next stage; it was
withdrawn from IT infrastructure and presented its miniature replica. The preliminary
tests were carried out by ICL specialists, which served as the project’s initial check.
After successful lab tests ICL specialists commenced to deploy AK BARS bank’s head
office domain. No changes were made in the existing IT infrastructure at that stage and
all bank operations remained unchangeable.
The head office domain users and computers migrated into new domain Windows Server
2003 using resources located in the old domain Windows NT 4.
- AK BARS bank’s head office resources transition into new domain.
Now this stage is being implemented; it should be done smoothly and approved by AK
BARS bank’s employees to minimize the impact on the bank’s business processes.