Business and IT service jointly develop an IT strategy and learn to understand each other. But what IT solutions does business truly need?
The main objective of business is to improve the quality of services provided to customers, optimize expenses and control company business processes. Company executives understand that the only way to solve these problems in the modern world is to engage IT but often they can not reach an understanding with IT services speaking in terms of technology and SLA.
Business and IT service jointly develop an IT strategy and learn to understand each other. Business is starting to understand where to invest and why. CIOs, in turn, receive clear development criteria and communicate with head executives on equal terms. At the same time they both realize that the implementation of information systems, being part of the IT strategy, should be accompanied by changes in business processes.
— What is an IT strategy?
— Why business and IT services can’t reach an understanding?
— How should an innovative business IT strategy look like?
— How to ensure sustainable IT development?
These and many other questions will be discussed at the IT Strategy 2015 conference.
EUGENY FRIDLAND — Head of Commercial Services