1 Projects






Kazan Aircraft Production Association n. a. S.P. Gorbunov Branch of Tupolev PJSC

Defence Industry

HR Recordkeeping and Payroll Accounting Optimization

Prior to the project, there was a variety of systems used at the Organization. There were own
developments, legacy systems and partial use of the accounting system. In connection with the disparate
systems and the lack of a single information space in payroll accounting, there was a duplication of
information when entering data into different systems. There was a lack of efficiency, relevance, and
sometimes fairness of representations in report generation.


  1. Create a single information space based on a single reference data set (herein a single database of the employees of the Organization)
  2. Implement the process approach within the framework of automation of the Organization
  3. Optimize the implementation of business processes by ensuring effective information interaction of all departments in terms of automated business processes
  4. Enhance the efficiency and quality of personnel performance as a result of streamlining and automating business processes, as well as their regulation and provision of methodological support
  5. Improve the quality of management information, its reliability, transparency and accessibility to the management of the Organization for any period of time to make adequate managerial decisions
  6. Reduce risks in making managerial decisions by providing management with complete, timely, reliable and up-to-date information in a uniform representation


  • Ensuring the functioning of the consistent software system;
  • Creation of a single information space;
  • No duplication of functions;
  • Rapid and reliable report generation;
  • Reducing costs and improving the quality of software support;
  • Full functionality for automated payroll accounting.

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